Thursday Jun 25, 2015
"Which Perspective Is Right; Coach Or Client" with Doug Gfeller, MCC
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Join us as we look at the coaching process from two different viewpoints; that of the client and that of the coach. We will start with the coaching objectives, move on to the selection of the right coach and finish up with the coaching agreement. This is part one of a series that will highlight how the client looks at the coaching process and how this differs from the coach’s perspective.
Recorded live on 6/18 on OCTalkRadio.net for the Coaching Perspective Radio show with Doug Gfeller, Master Certified Coach.
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
This show will surprise you with the amount of intelligence YOU possess that you may not have been integrating into your coaching and will help you forge longer-lasting and more fruitful client relationships. Your body gives you a constant stream of information, whether you work by phone or face-to-face. But are you listening to it? Beth will share some basic ways to access your body intelligence, how not to let it throw you off your game, and how to use it to help your clients at an even deeper level.
Recorded live on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show on June 11, 2015 with Doug Gfeller, MCC and Beth Raps, Ph.D.
Resource: http://www.raisingclarity.com
Friday Jun 05, 2015
“The New Solution For Time Management” with Doug Gfeller, MCC
Friday Jun 05, 2015
Friday Jun 05, 2015
The number one issue in the business and coaching world today is Time Management. Listen as we explore the myths behind the old solutions to this long term issue. We will also look at the new thinking and research that is helping to redefine the real problem and providing some solutions that will help us all become more effective with the time we have available. This is part 1 or 2 parts on Time Management. In this first part we explore how to be more efficient with your time and how to set priorities.
Recorded live on OCTalkRadio.net on June 4, 2015 on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show.
"The Power of Focus" by Jack Canfield
"Procrastinate On Purpose" by Rory Vaden
Tuesday May 26, 2015
"Building A Winning Relationship With Your Clients" with Doug Gfeller, MCC
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Studies have shown that 65% of terminated coaching assignments were due to ineffective client-coach relationships. Do you have the relationship that you want with your clients? Do you know the 3 Key Elements required for proper coach-client alignment? Listen and learn the processes necessary to build and maintain your client relationships.
Recorded live on May 21, 2015 on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show on OCTalkRadio.net
Monday May 18, 2015
“How Partnering Improves your Coaching Business” with Carly Anderson, MCC
Monday May 18, 2015
Monday May 18, 2015
Carly is not only a MCC Coach, since 2004, but is also an active ICF Assessor. She tells us how you can apply the idea of partnering to not only improve your coaching conversations but to also improve your coaching business as well. Listen as she explains how the ICF defines partnering and how it measures partnering in a credentialing exam. Carly is one of only 90 ICF Assessors trained in the new system of using markers to determine which ICF Core Competencies are in evidence in a recorded coaching conversation and to what extent. Listen and start to take the actions that will improve both your client conversations and your coaching business!
Recorded live on The Coaching Perspective Radio show on OCTalkRadio.net (May 14, 2015)
Wednesday May 13, 2015
"Retirement: The Next Great Adventure" with Doug Gfeller, MCC
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Wednesday May 13, 2015
It is time to redefine retirement! Much has been written about how to prepare financially for retirement, but little attention has been spent on what will be your new lifestyle. Are we talking a slow death by boredom or the excitement of a great new adventure? We will look at it from both the individual and the company's point of view. We will explore semi-retirement, the re-identification of self, the elderly entrepreneurship movement and "the retirement that never was". Listen and start to take the actions that turn this into your next great adventure!
Recorded live on OCTalkRadio.net on May 7, 2015
Resources: “Unretirement" How Baby Boomers Are Changing The Way We Think About Work, Community and The Good Life by Chris Farrell & Laurie Flynn.
Saturday Apr 18, 2015
"Soulful Organizations" with Sylvia Becker-Hill
Saturday Apr 18, 2015
Saturday Apr 18, 2015
“Soulful Organizations” with Sylvia Becker-Hill. Sylvia is often referred to as “The Lady with the BrainTM”, find out why. She is a corporate change agent, leadership trainer and intimate executive coach. She will be talking about what you can do to be at the forefront of organizational evolution, what’s next in organizational development, why managers are obsolete and why ego-management is the most important capability of the leaders of tomorrow. Listen as she talks about the TEAL paradigm and Organizations as living organisms.
Monday Apr 13, 2015
“Coaching: A Most Excellent Adventure” with Michael Stratford, MCC
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Have you lost the adventure in your coaching, or worse yet have your clients lost the adventure in your coaching? Without the adventure, life is just one big bucket of MOS, More of the same, just flavored slightly differently. Listen as Michael explains why coaching takes the Heart of the Adventurer to succeed. The Heart of the Adventurer is one who doesn’t necessarily know the way, know what they’re going to face, know the answer but has a sense of self that is grounded in knowing their own capability and if the client doesn’t have that, then the coach can help them connect with it. Because it’s all a discovery, a challenge of new ideas, new strategies, a new sense of self that creates the aliveness in life.
Recorded live on OCTalkRadio.net on April 9, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Listen to Jen Hamilton, CEO of Institute for Mastering Success as she talks about how to cement learning and training to maximize your ROI. In traditional education and training, you may learn something and maybe feel motivated, but then you return to your pile of work and go back to what you have always done. Within weeks you don’t even remember what you learned or how it can help you with the problems you are facing. Jen will show you another way to make your training more effective.
Recorded live on www.OCTalkRadio.net on April 2, 2015 with Doug Gfeller, MCC
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
"Tribes, Teams and Technology" with Doug Gfeller, MCC
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Listen as we start our series on the impact of Neuroleadership. Can this science help us to create a more loyal and productive workforce? Join Doug Gfeller, MCC as he talks about the findings of Neuroscience and their impact on our behaviors, specifically the giving and receiving of respect. Next week Sylvia Becker-Hill will continue this exploration with “Soulful Organizations - what you can do to be at the forefront of organizational evolution.”
Recorded live on OCTalkRadio.net on March 5, 2015
“Team Up” by Lori Shook
“The Respect Effect” by Paul Meshanko