
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Joy Casillas is a single, working mom turned author, life coach, and entrepreneur. After living the single mom lifestyle for 10 years, she has learned through the ups and downs what she wishes she’d known earlier. She is passionate about sharing this knowledge with other women who now find themselves in a drastically different world and with a dating scene alien to what they remember from their past. Her mission is to empower Newly Single Women to live big, satisfying lives by providing the information they need to stay Happy, Healthy, and Safe as they emerge into this new single world. She is the founded and CEO of NewlySingleWomenCommunity.com a place for women to access the information, resources, and support they need anytime, from anywhere.
“Newly Single Women” by Joy Casillas (a guide book coming in 2018)
Listen to the podcast at TheCoachingPerspective.com

Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Doug tackle’s two topics in today’s short radio show. The first explores the questionable value of off-site leadership training and the obstacles that the trainee faces when they return to their original environment. Based on personal examples, using short group training sessions followed up by individual phone coaching can dramatically increase the benefits of the training by moving the discussions from textbook to real world examples.
The second topic deals with the often discussed issue of coaches giving advice vs asking questions. It addresses the client’s question that if you are not going to tell me what to do then what is the value of the coaching. The answer to this and the issue of what the ICF Ethics Standards say should be done are looked in detail. This discussion can be applied as readily to any case where you are asked to give advice as it can be to the coaching relationship. Lots of ideas for coaches and non-coaches both.
Andrew Fox Linkedin article.
Maureen Metcalf Ask Inciting Questions.
Doug and Paul Roberts of OCTalkRadio.net getting ready to go live.
Listen to the podcast at The Coaching Perspective

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Life is full of transitions, some planned and some a surprise. Based on her personal experiences Michelle shares how to approach major transitions that occur in your life, how you know you are on the right track and what and where you can find help so you do not have to do this alone. In this very personal conversation, Michelle talks about how she handled becoming a widow, a single mom with seven children, and started her own gift company. From tragic to hilarious, she shares her stories that will help and inspire you to handle the challenges in your own personal life and in your business. Listen in as she gives tips on how to get clarity on what you want, create a vision, combine your passion and purpose in life and maintain an excitement and confidence that lets you laugh at yourself all the time.
Be willing to be messy
Be willing to ask questions
Be willing to make mistakes
Be willing to ask for help
Take your own advice
Nifty Package Co
The Widow Maven Life Coach
Listen to the podcast at www.TheCoachingPerspective.com

Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Listen to this fast paced interview with Pat Fuscoe as he shares how he has retained the company’s start-up culture with a firm of over 200 people. From All Hands Meeting to Core Values and Vision to becoming an ESOP, he has fostered a spirit of teamwork and creativity that would surprise you in any firm, much less an engineering firm. His commitment to technology and constant learning has put them at the cutting edge in the use of drones, virtual reality and Watson for providing his clients with answers to questions they didn’t even know to ask. This firm may be blurring the lines of what an Engineering company does but they are laser focused on providing customer service.
Pat’s Take-A-Ways:
1. It is better to be small and great than big and crappy!
2. Growth is about getting stronger, not bigger.
3. Celebrate what you can do rather than mourn what you can’t do.
Fuscoe Engineering, Inc.
Listen to the podcast at TheCoachingPerspective.com

Friday Oct 27, 2017
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Consolidation or “right sizing” of real estate is one of the most challenging strategies a corporate real estate manager has to address. But what can be done so that this work place transformation is less disruptive to employers, employees, tenants, and investors? One approach is the development of a one-size-fits all planning concept. This provides for total flexibility allowing teams to easily regroup or move around the facility as needed. For this concept to be successful, activity based work settings need to be included as part of the overall design solution. Whether as a reflection of corporate culture, evolving demographics, new technologies or imaginative design trends, office space keeps evolving. Ray's exceptional range of experience in commercial interiors, both as a client and service provider, gives him special insight into the evolving requirements of the contemporary workplace. Listen as Ray Irmer shares the challenges of "Work Place Transformations."
Resources: Withee Malcolm Architects
Listen to the podcast at The Coaching Perspective

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Tina has spent her career as a team builder, facilitator, and customer satisfaction subject matter expert. She helps others to build better relationships in their personal and business life. “If your business results are a direct result of what your employees deliver and they are not getting the job done, I can help you” says Tina. She starts with the DISC personal profile, so managers and employees can understand how their difference lead to the dynamics we face every day. When you understand yourself, you can begin to understand people around you and their difference. These difference cause conflict, but that is where the managing of these different personalities really pays off for the manager as well as the teams they manage.
Resources: Tina Dipane
Listen to the podcast at The Coaching Perspective

Monday Oct 16, 2017
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Sometimes good people who fill Executive level roles exhibit off putting and downright mean behavior. Listen to this interview to find out why do some people in high level positions act so “un-human” and out of touch when it comes to the feelings of others? What causes this? What does a company need to do to the help this executive understand the big picture repercussions of their aggressive or mean behavior? Find out the answers to all these questions and more.
Power Connections Inc.
“How Smart People Sabotage Their Job Search” by Susan Howington
“What You Don’t Know About Listening” by Jon F. White and Alexandra Taketa
Recorded live on October 12, 2017 on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
If I had to put a label on what Camber does I would say he is a Life Coach but that really doesn’t tell the whole story. Camber says that he was born to do what he does. He didn’t take a class and learn how to be a business owner or become a successful executive or life coach, he invented it. He tell us that he has a Ph’d in results which is why he has private clients who have been with him for up to 28 years. Listen as he shares why young men are turning to life coaches and why the new leadership tool is vulnerability.
Resources: CamerHill.com
Listen to the podcast at www.TheCoachingPerspective.com

Sunday Sep 24, 2017
“How To Get Speaking Gigs” with Leisa Reid, Author and Trainer
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Leisa Reid is the founder of the OC Speakers Network (www.ocSpeakersNetwork.com). After years of booking and delivering her own speaking gigs, she decided to show other speakers how to get their message heard. Listen as she shares with us many of the tips from her workshop and future book on getting speaking gigs. The first three steps are:
1. Have a presentation prepared and ready to go.
2. Have a plan that monetizes your speaking goals
3. Set a firm date for your first or next speaking engagement.
Webinar - “The 3 Keys to Transformation”
Get Speaking Gigs Now
Listen to the podcast at www.TheCoachingPerspective.com

Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Saturday Sep 09, 2017
In the process of reading “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovations” I was struck with how the same techniques for asking questions to encourage innovation also apply to how we as coach’s can ask better questions of our clients. Listen as we explore how to ask questions that describe and then disrupt the territory. We will also look at the follow up to asking questions, an area that has not been given enough attention to by coaches!
Hal Gregersen “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovations”by Gregersen, Dyer and Christensen https://halgregersen.com/
Recorded live on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show on September 7, 2017
Listen to the podcast at www.TheCoachingPerspective.com